Student Work
I help students discover their "enamel voice".
After exploring the science and techniques, students use what they have learned
to find their own enamel "happy dances". As you can see from the photos below, their pieces don't look like mine, and they are
all completely different.
Many students return for second, third, and even fourth workshops.
Some of the pieces here are from total beginners, while others were made by students with more experience.
-"Ricky Frank is one of the best instructors I have ever experienced. First, he is a master at his art, both in design and execution. In addition, he excels at a talent few artists have...a systematic approach to teaching the process of enameling that advances both the novice and the expert. He's always "pushing the edges" of his knowledge and in so doing, helps us develop our thought process as artists, not just our technical skills.
It's a joy to spend time in his studio and I recommend him highly for students of all levels."
-Patricia Wheeler, Atlanta, GA
It's a joy to spend time in his studio and I recommend him highly for students of all levels."
-Patricia Wheeler, Atlanta, GA
"Ricky always brings an incredible amount of passion, knowledge and enthusiasm into his workshops. Every class is full with students, most of which have returned again and again to learn even more from Ricky."
- Nick DeFord
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Program Director
- Nick DeFord
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Program Director
As Simon Sinek covers in his book, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Action, knowing your "why" is critically important in life. It is this focus that Ricky Frank employs to help artists/enamelists understand why they are doing something. He then guides students to build on their "why" as they execute their "what" (jewelry/vessel/wall piece) and "how" (enamel & metal techniques).
-Cullen Hackler
Student and Enamelist Society Board Member
-Cullen Hackler
Student and Enamelist Society Board Member
Quinn and I wanted to write to you and say how much we thoroughly enjoyed the recent workshop at your studio. Honestly, it exceeded both our expectations! We enjoyed the morning discussions, demonstrations, and the discussions during Pat’s FABULOUS lunches. I mentioned to Quinn that I feel like this has opened up something new in terms of artistic design that I can even apply to my existing paintings. After working with you on color gradations, I now realize how to bring out the depth in the enamels so they don’t look like a flat surface. I’m looking forward to my new work with enamels, and we are excited for more “brain expanding” workshops with you in the future!
Diana Ahrens
Diana Ahrens
There are many "show to" books and classes out there. Your way of teaching brings us beyond them. I have learned so much in such a short time...not especially about enameling, but about myself.
-Margie Heldt
-Margie Heldt