Large Square Pastel Doodle Pendant #1
Large Square Fall Doodle Pendant #1
Large Diamond Pastel Doodle Pendant #2
Large Diamond Pastel Doodle Pendant #1
Large Diamond Fall Doodle Pendant #1
Small Tri Grey Stripe Earrings
Multi-Color Bracelet #2
Multi-Color Bracelet $5
Pink and Green Bracelet #4
Pink, Green, and Purple Bracelet #3
Pink and Blue Patterns Bracelet #2
Multi-Color Bracelet #1
Patterns Bracelet #1
Red Spiral Bracelet #2
Red Spiral Bracelet #1
Kite Keyboard Earrings
Combination Green Guilloche Pendant #9
Trapezoid with Marquis Pattern #2
Combination Fall Stripes Pendant #6
Combination Spiral and Stripes Pendant #5
Combination Spiral and Stripes Pendant #4
Combination Pearl and Stripes Pendant #2
Large Dagger Raspberry Jazz Pendant
Large Dagger Keyboard Pendant
Small Diamond Keyboard Earrings
Small Diamond Stripes Earrings #5
Small Diamond Stripes Earrings #1